Save time and money by consolidating your Coveralls, Accessories, Laundry, and Drycleaning
You’re a purchaser or supervisor at an Alberta industrial company, looking for a stress-free workwear solution for a large workforce, and you’ve somehow landed on us, Goodfish Lake Business Corporation.
We understand.
You’ve got questions:
Why Goodfish?
What do they offer that I can’t get elsewhere?
What kind of quality workwear do they sell? Do I have to look elsewhere for laundry, branding, and repairs?
If any of this sounds remotely like you, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what you’ll need to know to get started with GLBC.
Who is Alberta’s Goodfish Lake Business Corporation?

In 1977, Chief Sam Bull had the foresight to recognize the growing force of the Alberta oil and gas industry and, along with the economic development committee, created the Goodfish Lake Business Corporation (GFLBC), an industrial dry cleaning and laundry facility in Goodfish Lake.
Soon after, in 1980, it started its own industrial garment division and then, in 1989, expanded its manufacturing facility to 10,000 sq. ft. 2005 saw another new 17,000 sq. ft. dry cleaning and laundry facility and in 2007, they became the first Aboriginal business to obtain an ISO 14001 certification. The industrial laundry facility moved to Edmonton in 2013, and will now soon be moving to Lac La Biche to become closer to our existing customer base in the summer of 2018.
But, over the years, we haven’t strayed from our overall mission, which is to build a strong economic foundation for the aboriginal people of Goodfish Lake, while creating local prosperity and protecting the environment.
That’s why GFLBC still remains, to this day, 100% aboriginally owned and operated, with profits breaking down in the following way: 50% community infrastructure, 10% education endowment, and 40% business growth.
How else does GFLBC support the Whitefish First Nation?
During 2015-2018, we employed 264 employees, with not a single laid off during the downturn.
In 2018, 30 of our employees will participate in a twelve module Dale Carnegie training program on effective communication and HR, and one will begin a certificate program at the UofA.
Our annual donations to the local community is approximately $21,485, with a 2018 commitment that will make it the biggest year yet.
Should you partner with GFLBC, it would provide you with much-needed Aboriginal spend in a risk-free capacity.
Why is Goodfish Lake a good business fit?
Simply put, we provide an all-in-one destination for your industrial garment and workwear needs, including manufacturing, industrial dry cleaning, industrial and commercial laundry, workwear repairs, sourcing and branding, at unparalleled quality, safety, reliability.
We’ve got the experience
Our 17,000 sq. ft. facility cleans about one million items annually, capturing and recycling enough hydrocarbons to fill 250 barrels of oil.

We’ve put our method to the test
We wanted to determine, as a fact, what we all believed in our hearts — that we have the highest-quality product on the market, and a superior cleaning method. How did we do that? We completed a study with the University of Alberta to determine the effectiveness of our dry cleaning method and the quality of our coveralls.
The results? Our superior dry cleaning method was proven to effectively strip all soil from the garments without compromising the fabric, and create more longevity of the coveralls, all while upholding both the flame resistance or thermal protective properties of the coveralls tested. The environmental and safety benefits of dry cleaning coveralls versus wet wash that our competitors provide is unmatched.
We specialize in dry cleaning all types of industrial workwear, and we protect the environment while doing so too. Since our dry cleaning is a waterless system, there is much less environmental impact when cleaning oily workwear.
We have the safest product on the market
We have a saying about our products, which goes, “Goodfish is the right choice when lives are on the line.”
But it’s not just a saying. We have a customer who experienced a harrowing close call, but, as his story goes, he had our coveralls to thank for his life.

“Wearing Goodfish Lake coveralls saved my life.”
— Randy Burton, Safety Specialist
Our safety standards meet or exceed a range of high-risk workers, including electricians, utility, oil refinery, petrochemical and construction workers. They also provide flash-fire protection, electric arc flash protection, and high visibility.
So, if any of this sounds appealing to you, and you’d like to get started with Goodfish Lake, check out our pricing below.
We’ve left everything as transparent as possible.